Switch Card (Ickle Pickle)


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From a magician’s estate purchase. Complete with the instructions. You need to be a little distance from your audience but the effect is great.

Effect: Here’s a very useful comedy utility prop. What you have is a jumbo card with a switch plate attached to the backside. But you don’t merely have one jumbo card, you have two. If you begin with the Eight of Spades (inside a large envelope), having forced the other card from a regular size deck, the Queen of Hearts, then you can say, “I’ve made a prediction as to what card you would select, and I have it here inside this envelope.”

At this point you pull the Eight of Spades out of the envelope, switch plate towards you. “Did you not pick the eight of spades? When they reply no, you say, “What about the ace of spades? What about a spade’?” They reply no again. You say, “Well Luckily, this is a Switch Card.” Turn the card so the audience can now see the switch on the back. As you move the switch top to bottom (or bottom to top) allow the Queen to fall down and cover the eight.

“Was this your card?” They say, “The Queen of Hearts.” Now you turn the jumbo card around showing the selected/forced card. Believe us, Your audience will appreciate the cleverness with which you revealed the chosen card.

Note: You supply the regular-size deck of cards. Use your own method to force the Queen of Hearts.