20th Century Silk Panties


1 in stock


Pre-owned from a magician’s estate purchase. Good clean condition. Written Instructions included.

Here’s a hilarious effect for adult audiences! This is one of those effects that is meant for a very specific audience and occasion. It is not suitable for children. Also good to use if they ask you to “pick on” someone, or if there is a heckler in your audience.

Effect: Ask for a male volunteer from your audience. Two handkerchiefs are tied together and the knot is tucked (discreetly and tastefully) into the front of the volunteer’s belt, and then you and your volunteer each hold the end of a handkerchief.

You tell your audience that, on the count of three, you and your volunteer are going to pull on the knotted handkerchiefs, making them pass right through the volunteer’s body without harming him in any manner. But when you each pull on a handkerchief, a pair of women’s silk panties appear, tied between the handkerchiefs! It’s a silly surprise that will make everyone laugh, including your volunteer!