I Can Do Magic Tricks – Cups and Balls Magic (Elizabeth Wood)


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Magic tricks can be an entertaining and fun activity for your child. Not only do magic
tricks provide good times for kids, they help develop a wide range of skills from manual
dexterity to good communication. Learning and practicing magic tricks also teaches children about order, practice, perseverance, and following directions, all of which enhance a child’s poise and self-esteem.

All the tricks in the “I Can Do Magic Tricks” series are safe and easy to learn. Props can be easily made, found around the house, or purchased inexpensively at thrift shops,
hardware stores, and magic shops.

Each card has a symbol on the back, a star, which represents its degree of difficulty: One star is easiest, two stars are a little harder, and three stars mean still harder, requiring lots of practice. But all the tricks are geared for beginning magicians.

This series will excite and amaze children as they become proficient in this ancient art. They may even be inspired to pursue their interest in magic as a continuing hobby for the pleasure of friends, family, and themselves.

All books in the series are soft covers, staple bound and measure 8.5 x 11 inches page size.