Harry Lorayne has crammed some of the slickest card magic into 68 fabulous pages.
From H. Lorayne’s Foreward: ‘I sat down and described, in detail, fifteen of my favorite effects and routines with ordinary cards. Effects that you can do anywhere, any time, with any deck and under almost any conditions. Of the fifteen, only four begin with the standard “pick a card” opening. And – since I usually write an effect in one sitting, I most often come up with a thought or two after it is written. Therefore – the “Afterthoughts.” Don’t overlook them; I’m sure you’ll find some worthwhile suggestions and ideas there.’
Contents include:
One-Eyed Jack Sandwich
Color Coincidence
Out Of My Control
Interlaced Location
Impromptu Out Of This World
Hummer Addition
Aces Only – With Kings
Toss-In Reverse
Any Four Of A Kind
Lorayne’s Transposition Breakthrough #1
Lorayne’s Transposition Breakthrough #2
Your Choice
Pseudo Memory #1
Pseudo Memory #2
Last Word