Wish Bottle (Palmer Magic)


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From a magician’s estate purchase. This effect was created by P. Postma from the Netherlands. Comes with the bottle, string, gimmick, and instructions.

Effect: Hand a small capped bottle to a spectator and ask them to confirm that it is empty inside. Take back the bottle and hand them a short piece of rope to examine. Now the cap is removed and the rope is pushed into the bottle. The bottle is inverted with the rope still inside but the rope does not fall out. Next the rope is grasped at the other end and lifted away with the bottle dangling from the rope. The bottle stays mysteriously suspended from the rope. To finish, the rope is removed from the bottle and both the rope and bottle are given out for examination. The spectators can try and duplicate the effect but will have no luck.

This creates the same effect as the popular Hindu or Chinese Prayer Vase but the method is entirely different.